Pre-Design Services covers an expansive Architectural Service that predetermines the Projects merits, potentials, and even financial returns. The Pre-Design phase is mostly overlooked in the overall planning process, more often than not most practitioners often jump right into the Design Phase. We cannot emphasize more the importance of pre-design services as it the first stage of property development. Established by a framework and broad spectrum of individual architectural studies ranging generally from problem identification to solutions that allow Architects and Engineers to initially conceptualize the Architectural and Engineering Solutions that can help you understand the different variables are merits and detriments to your project. EAB Design Studio outlines our different Pre-Design Services which we conduct (individually or all together comprehensively) to help you understand full-well your projects before you determine which project or property is worth your hard-earned investment.
If you've been researching the internet on countless design ideas, concepts but still can't decide what's best for your project. You end up having more questions than answers, EAB Design Studio Consultation Sevices might just be what you need to move forward faster. Our one-on-one consultation services with our principals can help you save time, money, and frustration researching on the Internet looking for answers. We provide consultations that are bespoke to you and your project. Our CEO & Founder Ar. Emman can provide you directly with a personalized consultation experience, we can provide our expertise, technical know-how, and possible solve problems before they arise.
Contact us! and we'll help you solve those lingering questions and design problems that are holding you back. Together we'll help you envision the path towards your project goals!
After your project's merits and eventual success are validated and predetermined during our pre-feasibility studies. This will, later on, be coupled with our Detailed Feasibility Studies Services.
This is a powerful tool that our Design Professionals conduct to evaluate step-by-step all the key aspects that can optimize your project's success moving forwards. This includes the detailed analysis, comparison against the current competition, and future market trends to forecast how your project performs over time.
If the Pre-Feasibility study determines the initial success of your project. Our Detailed Feasibility Study Services' main purpose is to comprehensively investigate and evaluate your site to building potentials, research your site's history, review planning ordinances, assess overall the merits and constraints of your site.
In the project inception, this study can help our clients determine and assess the merits of a project's potentials and financial returns. This phase is critical as it determines or outlines the different variables whether a project is feasible or not. With our years of technical experience in the industry, we can provide you with a service that predetermines your project ideas' viability and whether or not your investment is worth your time before you even begin.
EAB Design Studio can help you determine the soundness of your project by conducting a preliminary feasibility study at the very onset of the project's inception. With our research process, we can present you with possible options, identifiable directions, and market strategies that are imperative to your project's success. We highly recommended this service before you take a deep dive in your worthwhile investment.
This entails the formulation of site criteria, assistance to the Client in site evaluation, and analysis to determine the most appropriate site/s for a proposed project or building program.
Site Selection and analysis is a vital step to study and efficiently predetermine the most ideal site selection by taking into account the surroundings to help justify the design proposal.
Our team can provide you with a SWOT Analysis per site, the study of the site itself as well the surroundings, existing services, zonal qualifications and restrictions, topography, and determine the most appropriate type of development based on the site analysis and selection study.
Our Site Analysis Services help you identify which site and type of development best suited for your project.